A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 578

Chapter 578


After All, his precious son had nearly resorted to dirty means. Thus, she felt compelled to accept the benefits bestowed upon her by Brandon,

Having dealt with Zack, Rena found herself in a better mood.

However, this fleeting sense of contentment was soon disrupted as Waylen reached out, his voice carrying a smile through the phone, “I’ll come to pick you up later. Shall we go to my villa¢ That’s where I reside now.

Rena had no desire to accompany Waylen to his place.

She didn’t wish to partake in a candlelit dinner with him as it wasn’t appropriate for their current situation, However, it wasn’t like she had any choice.

With the phone clasped in her hand, she gazed fixedly at the desk before her.

Finally, in a gentle tone, she uttered, “Alright, I’ll finish my duties in half an hour.”

Rena ended the call and placed it down.

She extracted a handful of thick folders and carefully arranged them inside her bag. Feeling that it wasn’t enough, she added a few more…


As Rena exited the office building, Waylen’s sleek vehicle had already arrived.

Lately, Waylen consistently drove a sleek, black Maybach.

Upon catching sight of Rena approaching, he stepped out of the car and gallantly opened the door for her. He briefly glanced at her hand and remarked with a faint smile, “Do you toil this diligently even on weekends? Is there no room for a personal life whatsoever?”

A touch of sarcasm laced his words.

Pretending not to grasp his implication, Rena settled into the car and fastened her seat belt. Turning towards Waylen, she said, “I’ve had quite a lot on my plate recently. By the way, Vera and Joseph have finalized their divorce. Thank you.

Evidently, Waylen had no intention of discussing that particular couple. He focused ahead and suggested, “Let’s swing by your apartment to fetch Snowball.

I imagine that little buddy is dreadfully bored.”

Rena offered no objections.

He drove them to her apartment. Rena ascended the stairs and retrieved Snowball.

Once they were back in the car, Snowball barked at Waylen twice.

Waylen remarked, “Why does it persistently reject me? I was the one who brought it home.”

Rena affectionately patted the dog’s head and commented, “Perhaps it’s because you share the same temperament and gender.”

With these words, Rena couldn’t help but smile.

Waylen’s eyes bore a depth of emotion.

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Since their breakup, Rena hadn’t displayed such a radiant smile in his presence for quite some time. To him, this smile held a profound beauty.

